The documentation for this project is handled by Read the Docs, a web service dedicated to documentation management for the open source community.

By default, the Falkor/tutorials-BD-ML repository is bound to the Big Data Analytics project on Read the Docs.

You might wish to generate locally the docs. To do that, install mkdocs -- see also this tutorial:

$> brew install python3 && pip3 install mkdocs    # Mac OS X

# Linux
$> pip install --user mkdocs
# Adapt your PATH and PYTHONPATH environment variables
# Add this in your favorite shell config
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH

# Windows
$> choco install pip && pip install mkdocs


  • Preview your documentation from the project root by running mkdocs serve and visit with your favorite browser the URL http://localhost:8000
    • Alternatively, you can run make doc at the root of the repository.
  • build the full documentation locally (in the site/ directory) by running mkdocs build.