Running Big Data Application using Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a large-scale data processing engine that performs in-memory computing. Spark offers bindings in Java, Scala, Python and R for building parallel applications. high-level APIs in Java, Scala, Python and R, and an optimized engine that supports general execution graphs. It also supports a rich set of higher-level tools including Spark SQL for SQL and structured data processing, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX for graph processing, and Spark Streaming.

In this tutorial, we are going to build Apache Spark using EasyBuild and perform some basic checks. You are free then to follow any online tutorial to apply the Spark framework over any relevant application for your domain.

IMPORTANT: Ensure you have completed successfully all precedent hands-on, in particular the one on Hadoop.

Building Spark with Easybuild

We'll proceed in what should become you classical approach:

$> vagrant ssh    # Or 'vagrant ssh default', if not yet done
$> mu
$> module av      # or 'module available' or 'ma'

# Search for available ReciPY for spark
$> eb -S Spark
 * $CFGS1/Spark-1.3.0.eb
 * $CFGS1/Spark-1.4.1.eb
 * $CFGS1/Spark-1.5.0.eb
 * $CFGS1/Spark-1.6.0.eb
 * $CFGS1/Spark-1.6.1.eb
 * $CFGS1/Spark-2.0.0.eb
 * $CFGS1/Spark-2.0.2.eb
 * $CFGS1/Spark-2.2.0-Hadoop-2.6-Java-1.8.0_144.eb
 * $CFGS1/Spark-2.2.0-Hadoop-2.6-Java-1.8.0_152.eb
 * $CFGS1/Spark-2.2.0-intel-2017b-Hadoop-2.6-Java-1.8.0_152-Python-3.6.3.eb

Install it globally (i.e. with eb --installpath=/opt/apps/ [...] or global_eb):

$> cd /vagrant/resources/java
$> time global_eb Spark-2.2.0-Hadoop-2.6-Java-1.8.0_152.eb -Dr   # Dry-run
$> time global_eb Spark-2.2.0-Hadoop-2.6-Java-1.8.0_152.eb -r

It takes approximately 3 min to have it done.

Loading the module

$> module load devel/Spark

The following have been reloaded with a version change:
  1) lang/Java/1.7.0_80 => lang/Java/1.8.0_152

Notice the last message (coming from the fact that Hadoop was previsouly loaded). That's one of the interest of LMod over the regular Environment Modules.